Messages from Diverse Sources
Saturday, August 3, 2024
Do Penance, Penance, Penance...!
Message of the Queen of the Rosary to Gisella in Trevignano Romano, Italy on July 13, 2024

My children, thank you for responding to My call in your hearts, for bending your knees in prayer. My child, you must tell My children, that God does not like cold shrines. He does not need great churches and great works built of walls. He seeks Souls who can return to Him.My children, the times are crucial. Come and pray for Peace. Do penance, penance, penance...! Now I embrace and bless you in the Name of the Most Holy Trinity, Father and Son and Holy Spirit.
The Queen of Heaven always thanks us when we gather in prayer, because prayer unites Her children to Her Son! She reminds us that Her Son, although He is present in all the churches of the world, where the Most Holy Tabernacle that holds His Body and Blood is located; does not seek "the coldness or beauty of the walls" that manifest His presence. But He searches for so many souls, who today because of the confusion that reigns in the world, have turned away from Him. Jesus seeks them, because as Scripture teaches us, He wants to come and dwell in the Temple of our hearts and souls. We are all the Temple of God's Love! Jesus wants to dwell and reign within us! That is why He gives us His Body and Blood. We all the moment we receive Him within us, we become Living Tabernacles of God's Love on the streets of the world.
Therefore, let us pray intensely for these "crucial times." Let us pray so much for World Peace, so threatened by man living without God. Above all, let us undertake an authentic journey of penance. As the Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches us, "every sincere act of worship or piety revives in us the spirit of conversion and penance and contributes to the forgiveness of our sins" (No. 1437). And we all know well, that we must ask God's forgiveness for our countless sins every day.
Have a good journey!
Source: ➥